Before this class, I have never seen the ISTE Standards page. But after thoroughly looking through this website, I could say that this was a really well-made website. Everything was easy and clear to navigate around and find. Usually standards are hard to read and understand but I really liked how the standards on this page was simply laid out and easy to understand.

I really enjoyed all the graphic resources that the Professor linked to us! I actually have not heard of any of these sites,, and I could see myself using them in the future! I am going to be linking the resources here so I can refer back to them. For my logo, I made a winter sports word cloud and filled it with winter sports activities, which I included above.
In two of my other educational technology classes, I have to create a literal website using HTML and another Google Site. So, creating a Google Site for this class was not so bad. Since it is not due until the end of the semester, I got a head start and created the page. I have only added an icon to the top and changed the four headings. For a sneak peek, you can click here.